Linda Henrie, petty fascist of a backwater texas public school. Just look at the ice in her eyes. What kind of strange sexual fetishes does she have? Someone that
uptight has got to have them.
According to the district dress code, boys' hair must be kept out of the eyes and cannot extend below the bottom of earlobes or over the collar of a dress shirt. Fads in hairstyles "designed to attract attention to the individual or to disrupt the orderly conduct of the classroom or campus is not permitted," the policy states.
The district is known for standing tough on its dress code. Earlier this year, a seventh-grader in the district was sent home for wearing black skinny pants. His parents chose to home-school him.
On its Web site, the district says its code is in place because "students who dress and groom themselves neatly, and in an acceptable and appropriate manner, are more likely to become constructive members of the society in which we live."
This is a 4 year old in a Dallas public school.
See also these dimwits
And the bitch's blog itself http://lindahenrie.blogspot.com/