10 June 2007

More on EFPs. If you search, you'll find that the US military establishment
has developed these just like everyone else. They're much like shaped
charges (lined Munroe-effect warheads) only shallower, so you don't
get quite the jetting action, though you still get the ductile formation
of a heavy projectile.

Many rubes think shaped charges/EFPs melt or turn to plasma the
liners; in fact, its ductile shaping.

Many rubes also think DU projectiles are used because U is pyrophoric or for some other idiotic reason. Its because DU is free to government contractors,
and its dense, and density per frontal-surface-area (sectional density) is
what matters.

I own a little scrap of DU for my rad source collection. Its not that hot.

Damn I hate stupid people. Ok, vocal stupid people; quiet ones are benign.
The worse are politicians. One day, political aspirations will be seen as
mental illness and the suffering will be treated, perhaps tattooed, and
banned from public office, of course.

Meantime, we can always look forward to Jim Bell's "Assasination Politics"
to cull the herd.

Or draining, or vitrifying, the swamp known as the District of Columbia,
which like Rome has become the center of active evil in the world.

I've just recently heard about the Free Vermont movement, I love it.

I also recently learned (when a Laotian general in the US was busted for
contemplating overthrowing the Laotian commie govt) that its now
illegal to do this. Funny, folks once volunteered to go fight, eg the Spanish
civil war, bringing their own weapons.

Lincoln: invented income tax, invented the US civil war, deserved that
bullet. Folks have a right to succeed, just like they have a right to divorce,
or terminate any other agreement that relies on mutual association.

It might actually happen after the Collapse. (Read Jared Diamond's book
of the same name, if you haven't; also Johnson's Sorrows of Empire.)

I don't worry about it now ---after a Collapse, the "dark ages" are really
just the lack of big evil empires. Which, being the history writers, tend
to make their own absense sound worse than it was. Of course, the
Catholic church filled the vacuum, which may well have been worse,
but Popes are as immortal as they are infallible :-)