18 March 2010

Watching some plants grow. Thinking about evolution: growing under lights
will definately select for certain characteristics. And here I am, growing outdoors.

Same for intelligence. Jews and Asians must have been subjected to stronger evolutionary
pressure to have higher "g", since "g" is an adaptive (ie breeding) trait. At least in the long
term; anti-intellectualism is also a trait, perhaps cultural with a genetic bedrock.
And intellectualism carries penalties; so does half sickle cell anti-malaria trait and half Tay-Sachs TB resistance.


Plants under lights:

Temperature intolerance
Light hungry
Weak stems
Stoma incompetence
Wind intolerance
Bug vulnerable
Weakened root system
Generally narrower tolerance of conditions and lesser resistance to parasites --much like cows or other domesticated animals. If you take it to the levels of purebred dogs, you get into serious genetic defects, and show the limits of the basic architecture.

Hyper trichome-ism is a good thing, though.

Yes, we are better than our ancestors. Our grass is stronger, and over a long term and population (only) average, we are fitter --smarter and physical plant healthier.

But wealth leads to decadence, abundant food to genetic lack of selection, diversity, but also decay. The nucleic library molds and decays, without copying and editing.

Nature is the editor.

Do not fuck with mother nature.

(Do not take this post to condemn GM or breeding or hormone (etc) manipulation
---they're cool with me. I mean this in the larger spiritual creed sense as well as
the practical. We don't have Biblical dominion (tm) but we have Objectivist

Rule 1 of Nature club: Mother nature always wins
Rule 1.1: Nature includes the four forces and all of matter and energy.
Rule 1.2 Nature does not give a fuck about what is represented in the heads of humans
And so on.

Will have to think about this; or will anyway.