The Prop 8 folks are running commercials about "teaching marriage" in
schools. Marriage as in, half will end in divorce? As in, a quarter will have
You can take you kids out of any lecture, from marriage to civic duty as
taught by State employees.
Interracial marriage was illegal until recently. That means Obama's parents
would have been criminals, jailed in some states, if they had been married.
The Supreme Court of the US said that IR marriage laws were constitutional.
Yep, the Supremes.
Yet, over time, courts destroyed the people's will, by voiding laws against
IR marriage.
The courts did the same for homo marriage, now the populace (mostly the
Jeebus freaks) resists. I await Prop 8 next year, to ban interracial marriage.
The people rule.
This is sarcasm. Democracy is mob rule. That's why we have a constitution.
But the People, half of whom are subaverage, can subvert that.
The Roman Empire was Too Big to Fail.
US Empire: FAIL.
Read _Sorrows of Empire_. Or don't; it requires reading, which is beyond
most Amerikans.
At least the winds over DC blow over the ocean, so the Blast will not
fall out on the innocent.