11 March 2011

Two days ago I was checking code in. Today I was working on docs and testing.
then canned.

good luck with that.

keep selling those vaporservices.

don't think your "eight years of existence" is unquestioned as if you had staff
or an office or equiptment then. You selling your time is not a company. You failed
at cardiac science. And can you really claim those projects when you're just hired grunts to
v&v them?

At least Hunt made a technical mistake, underestimating and fixed bidding; you're rife with ethical and business mistakes. And he still designs, ie, practices the art.

Putting client A on client B's machine? Running competing projects? Taking time from A to give to B, in case B scores? Claiming engineering staff you don't have? And whining ethical
all this time?

And charging your clients for engineer time, when the engineers are constantly distracted by other people in the office? Put yourself in a cube near a water cooler. Give your productive staff offices and let your marketing sociopaths sit where they hear everything.

Or, fail again. I guess you don't need the money, as you liked to say. Some of us do, and also
enjoy being productive --in a real way.