11 March 2011


mach 10

Fired for wearing headphones when there were overly loud
people 2m away, and I needed to concentrate? 8 other people within auditory range.
Some on the phone constantly. On totally unrelated projects in totally different disciplines ---and I have to filter them all out. And produce working code in a few months. Get a clue.

But management has practiced the Art in years, and sales, never.

Enjoy your fail work environment.

headphones are not antisocial when management doesn't "get" concentration.

The clients paid for attention and intelligence, and working code, not smoothtalking or cufflinks or office cooler banter or spirals on bizcards or vague teams of spread too thin multitaskers distracted all the time.

Working code requires concentration. Agile is not distraction. You will eventually learn this.

And look up Software Craftsmanship.