17 December 2008

Seems this judge:

Municipal Court of Douglasville
Chief Judge B. Keith Rollins

P.O. Box 219
Douglasville, GA 30133
Work Phone: 675-715-6032
(via http://georgiacourts.org/councils/municipal/directory_name.asp)

is about to get himself in a heap o' trouble over a scarf.

The cops who enforced this crap

Chris Womack
Police Department
Title: Deputy Chief of Operations
Phone: 678-715-6945

(via http://www.ci.douglasville.ga.us/Directory.asp?EID=19)

This will play well with the shoe-throwing journalist Muntadhar Al-Zaidi. Who has a good
arm under stress.

And I just read: "In addition, a wealthy Saudi Arabian national has offered to pay USD 10 million for one of the two famous black shoes thrown at the outgoing US president on Sunday. "
