09 August 2007

People should be better pharmacists.

Tylenol should be removed from the market. A few times the effective
dose will kill you. For most drugs its maybe 100x. E.g., consider alcohol:
one shot is noticable, 100 will kill you if you can keep them down.
FWIW For marijuana and certain hallucinogens there is no lethal dose. Zero.

And if you drink, and wake up with a hangover, and take a couple times
the usual dose of Tylenol (because your head is throbbing) you can do
serious liver damage. Your liver is your friend, you need it. (And it
needs the rest of you.)

Also Tylenol is used in calling-attention suicides, only they really do cause
serious damage.

I worship aspirin and ibuprofin.

I was told very recently that Tylenol is an analgesic, not just an anti-inflamatory
(CoxII inhibitor) so there may be some benefit. But its dangerous and there are
substitutes in most cases.

[I am not an MD and these are my opinions. Verify everything you read before
you believe it.]