27 September 2010
24 September 2010
21 September 2010
17 September 2010
Unlike many comparable vaporizers, the NO2 Utilizes Green Heating Technology to heat your blend.
Providing a more dense, fresh and flavorful vapor! While still being Compact and Easily Portable!
The NO2 Vaporizer features several new components that you are sure to find useful
One of those features is an Internal Lithium-Ion Re-Chargeable Battery that allows forfully cordless usage on-the-go.
As well as the ability to charge the battery internally while the NO2 is in usage; orExternally with the optional wall charger.
Another key feature is the ConvenientTemperature Memory Re-Call. It Remembers the last temperature you used and allows you to instanly re-call that setting.
Along with the 15% Larger Filling Chamberthen its precursor, the Oxygen Mini, the NO2features a faster heat up time and a LCD Temperature display fully-featured in bothCelsius and Fahernheit
13 September 2010
Australian lawyer smokes pages of Bible and Koran, asking 'Which is best?'
An Australian lawyer, Alex Stewart, has smoked pages torn from the Koran and the Bible, posting the video on YouTube just days after an American Pastor's threat to burn the Muslim holy book caused worldwide outrage.
Mr Stewart, a member of an atheist group in Brisbane, has begun a period of leave following a meeting with his employers today. He insists he wasn't smoking drugs in the video but had sprinkled grass cuttings into the rolled up pages.
"The university is obviously extremely, extremely unhappy and disappointed that this sort of incident should occur," Queensland University of Technology vice-chancellor Peter Coaldrake said.
He never said which was better