26 August 2009

Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin (D-WI)

Rep. Susan Davis (D-San Diego)

Who is Sibel Edmonds referring to? Who decided
the Armenian genocide wasn't worth recognition,
after the existance of sex tapes starring herself
and another woman were made known to her?

Who let themselves be blackmailed?

The reason there's a question mark is I lacked
13 -- I was terminated by April 2002, but this
14 particular Congresswoman -- the Turkish --
15 these Turkish organizations and operatives, if
16 they can't do it by money, they do by
17 blackmail. So they collect information on
18 sexual lives and other information like that,
19 and with this particular Congresswoman, it
20 being 2000 until I left, they -- this
21 individual, this Congresswoman's married with
22 children, grown children, but she is bisexual.

So they have sent Turkish female agents, and
2 that Turkish female agents work for Turkish
3 government, and have sexual relationship with
4 this Congresswoman in her townhouse actually
5 in this area, and the entire episodes of their
6 sexual conduct was being filmed because the
7 entire house, this Congressional woman's house
8 was bugged. So they have all that documented
9 to be used for certain things that they wanted
10 to request when I left. So I don't know
11 whether she -- that Congresswoman complied and
12 gave. That's why I couldn't use her name
13 because I don't -- I meant her face because I
14 don't know if she did anything illegal
15 afterwards.

But she was -- there are things;
17 information was being collected for blackmail
18 purposes, and her lesbian relationship, and
19 they, the Turkish entities, wanted both
20 congressional related favoritism from her, but
21 also her husband was in a high position in the
22 area in the state she was elected from, and
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1 these Turkish entities ran certain illegal
2 operations, and they wanted her husband's
3 help. But I don't know if she provided them
4 with those. I left. I was terminated.