Wacky Irvine.
Some stuff.
Christine Shea, on the city council, can't be mayor despite her dearest if pathetic dreams, because
when her daughter was caught with methamphetamine, she chewed out the police. Shea is pretty
skinny herself..
Larry C Ford, a mormon gynecologist, blew his head off with a shotgun when questioned by
police about an attempted hit on a business partner. Turned out that old Larry had plastic
explosives, full-auto machine guns buried in his Irvine yard. And various nasty bugs like cholera
in his fridge. He also had ties with the South African head of chemical warfare. His Irvine
neighbors were evacuated to expensive hotels for a few days while the bomb squad / hazmat
folks cleaned up his sparkling little Irvine cottage.
Pretty surreal, but true.