16 October 2005

A few years ago when I was looking for work I was contacted by a chick who places
pros. Turns out she does this for money, from the pros, instead of the employers.
While visiting (and finding this out), she told me that my beard meant that I was hiding

I've faxed her a few hundred page useless document a few times, since then. Passive-aggressive?
Sure. But much milder than many other things I could do. I've also done that to spammers,
electronic and otherwise. Once a spammer had a 1-800 number, which I called, figured out
the message-system-code, and proceded to mess with their phone system. I was into crypto,
and that's how they got my address; however, if you spam cryptographers, you probably don't
want to leave the password for your phone mail to 9999, you know?

"You have no idea who you're dealing with, young man" ---Tommy Lee Jones, Men In Black