My kid was in "T-ball" last summer.
At age 41, I've started to watch baseball. The local team is the Anaheim Angels (of Los Angeles, which
they're not :-). They have been beat two or three times by the Chicago White Sox this year, and the
latter team seems to be truly slightly better.
One of the more offensive things said during the game is "accounts and depictions may not be
disseminated wihtout the express written permission of the commisioner of baseball". Well,
fck that. Tax dollars pay for stadia, as well as defer its taxes; and anything I can see, like
a game on TV, is fair game for my descriptions, in real time or not.
In fact, only real-time "sports" make money; however, the use of video-digitizers and Bittorrent
like multicasting means that anyone can watch anywhere, with at most a few second delay.
So, my description: it was raining, the Angels cycled through pitchers, the Sox didn't. Those
moustache plus chin beards are real popular. The umpires have really tough calls to make sometimes;
on the last game, they were harshed for saying that a ball hit the ground before it was grabbed, which
was true in the replays (why use live-umpires if you have replays?), but the locals were supposedly
annoyed at the call.
Hey commisioner of baseball, you still deny beating your wife?