15 October 2005

So the Iraqis are voting on a constitution. Like that will matter; ours doesn't any more either.
As Leno said, why not give them ours, we're not using it.

Really, Iraq should have been split into the 3 nations (ethnically, linguistically, etc) it is: Kurdistan, a Sunni part, and a Shiite part. But for some reason this did not enter into NeoCon Imperialist plans. It would have
been much easier, even if Kurdistan pisses off the Turks; but hey, screw the Turks, they didn't let the US
use them when the US wanted to bomb Afghanistan. Which has a bumper crop of opium this year, and since the US knows what's good for it, any attempt to stop that economy is for TV only.

Aside: back in the 80s I smoked hash labelled Kabul in gold foil, and back then we were helping the Afghans
fight the Russians. As was the US and its buddy Osama. (Look up "blowback" in the CIA sense)
Then, a few years ago when the US took Afghanistan, I saw more hash --it being fairly rare in the States.
Amusingly, I thought of an idea involving *computational* hashes while partaking. Those ideas are being

(A hash function maps a long input to a short input; "good" hash functions perform random mapping, such that
two "similar" inputs go to random outputs. The other kind of hash is the compressed material you get by
rubbing a plant.)