13 March 2011

japan is triple-fail toast.

just wait for the us fail --skyscrapers, computers, and kindergardens.

folks in glass empires ought to use more layers of redundant mitigation systems

its not just the proles who will die.

ps: how about that ugrad who got cowpox, despite it not being grown for 5 years in her lab?

and that GM stuff? hows that workin out for you? works for me, but i get my biochem,
know how to run my tools. You even understand what a vitamin is?

How about you? Hows those estrogenic plastic water containers workin out for you?
Juicer? and ms. irvine, jogger, starbucks, hows that cancer workin out for you?
culver and meadowwood? culver and irvine? stupid blondes crossing against the light?

(not the parasitic pseudo-paedo-arteest offspring of James Irvine, that dependant woman who can buy an art studio to show her fakewares)

can't wait to flatten barbie and get away with it. youbeenwarned. you teach them they're immortal and divine, I teach 'em meat and entropy.

maybe you learn what you taught the afghans.

or maybe you too stoopid.