WL is a publications site, not a whistle-blowing site; it aids whistle-blowers. It does this by providing a means for anonymous online submission (something that's always been possible via snail mail).
WL also attempts to be a robust publisher, resistant to say government attacks. More resistant than say the NYT.
Compared to Cryptome.org, you don't have to work as hard to submit anonymously to WL. And Cryptome.org's servers are not physically distributed, though it has been robust to attacks, and its data is widely replicated and restorable. Its the same idea.
And there's always P2P seeding of documents one wishes to publish via cafes with disposable WiFi cards.
So, WL is just the evolution of the printing press and the postal service. Allowing whoever wants to post irretrievably, anonymously.
Deal with it.
"Beware foreign entanglements" -G. Washington