The best way to interpret current events these days is as a documentary
of the decline of the modern empire. From invading hoardes to indifferent citizens
to declining infrastructure and overextended military, we're (Americans)
replaying the Decline extremely faithfully.
Personally I'd be glad to see DC nuked and the US balkanize,
mutually consensually on the latter scenario, and I think freedom
and democracy and our way of life would benefit. Basically, Rome
is corrupt. Or so it seems here on the pacific plate.
Personally I usually regard jury slavery as collaboration in the WWII sense.
In fact, over time, an increasing number of activities will count as collaboration,
as seen by both sides. From hosting websites or relaying broadcasts to participating
in civic events or translating for the enemy (tm). Or making videos. Or, in the end,
suggesting that the Empire may have overstepped, perhaps because it became
infested with other Nation's, or narrow internal interests, but in any case, F'ed. F'ed
bigtime. Sic transit freedom, baby. As a presidential advisor once said, go for the head
shot, they're wearing body armor.