25 June 2007

I once read in a Science magazine, written by the director of the AAAS
at the time, in which he wrote that you can no longer get money out
of taxpayers for moon-landing russo-thumpin' machismo, you can get infinite money out of them forever for medicine. That is a brilliant (if obvious in hindsight) observation. Its win-win. And many fundamental branches of Science contribute to medicine, consider chemistry, physics.

(Although that author ignored how a lunatic president can steal an invasion/occupancy's worth of funding, see Early 21st Century American History; Geo W Bush; Collapse of United States Federal Goverment)

Anyway it bodes well for the med device (a subtype of embedded) programmers.

And finally NASA came out and said manned bases anywhere are so far
off the financial radar its not worth pretending any more. Which is good: humans suck, robots rule, in space, the rest is machismo.

And bb guns, diapers, surgical tubes, hammers, and mace.

Aside: The mars rover folks are gods. That skateboard rocks!