02 March 2010

In line at the CVS yesterday, buying beer. Another clerk says "next", I pause because I can't tell if next person in line is with person being attended to already in my queue. Fraction of a second, I go over, buy some grain & hops soda from newly opened clerk.

The next person in line starts explaining to the floor how he thought the clerk
was talking to him... I figure out in an instant he's an adult autistic with him mom, and without
thinking much start explaining that I didn't know he was with his mom so I hesitated...
implying at least to me that his confusion is normal or at least understandable.

Not sure if either him or his mom got that I got them and was communicating via a special
asperger's channel :-) that tuned into him; in any case I got my beer and was amused at being

I tossed a tennis ball to some local kids kicking a soda can up the street. Felt good about that.
They weren't too weirded out. This *is* Irvine, they could have bought a ball, but..