24 September 2009

So Mr. Mays partook of cocaine, according to the chemistry. It may have directly induced his death, which would be poor pharmacology (think
John Belushi..), or it might have been a dumb or risky hobby, given heart defects He was born with (think Jim Fixx). Or He might have partaken in moderation with little risk, and his built-in defects finally failed. I dunno, I'm not his physician/pharmacist/psychiatrist/shaman. Choosing your parents well is an important skill.

But you might be disappointed in Him, I hear. Why?

Is it because he did something currently illegal in the US?

Is it because it was likely a hedonistic, pure pleasure use of a powerful tool?
IE Rather than therapeutic (topical anesthetic; or freudian-psychological; or hoped-for moodlift)?

Is it because he chose to make the trade-off of pleasure for physical
(or emotional or addictive) risk which is implicit in any non-food
intake? (You can die from sex, too)

Is it because of the black market trade associations which arise naturally where something is illicit? (Prohibition anyone? Mental health issues?
Violence from lack of State enforceability of contracts? )

Is it because you fear that His energy, creativity, etc, which you
rightly admired, were due to plant extracts? (Chemicals can't create creativity. Given how manic he likely was when working, he is likely to have
been obnoxiously effusive if stimulated pharmacologically :-)

Is it because of perceived hypocracy, where in public life the message was
not to partake? (There was no such hypocracy IMHO. Compare to many
politicians' outcomes.)



Is it fundamentally immoral to do something currently illegal
in your current locale? Is it fundamentally immoral to do *anything* hedonistic? Is it fundamentally *weak* to pursue such avocations?
Should we be ascetics, neither enjoying food nor music nor anything
else not related to sustenance and work?

Is it ok to drink coffee? Take if it is or was legal? Watch cartoons instead of solving The Great Problems?
Play videogames instead of growing food for the poor 16/7?

What if coffee is illegal? (It has been) Beer is illegal in some countries today. Yo mama driving a car is a crime in some places, as is your
father lacking a beard, or driving to the store on certain days of the
week. They'll stone you for that.

What if teaching folks to read is illegal? Or marrying someone of
a different race? Or the law says to return slaves, and you're
on the jury? What if the supreme court says its ok to round up US nips and imprison them?


I don't contest anyone's right to judge another. I am merely suggesting
it might be interesting (personality resolving) to examine why a
feeling that arises does so. I'm playing moral inquisitor because
I get the idea from your father that its a game you're trained for.
Sparring is fun if you respect your partner.


PS: Disclaimer: I don't actually enthuse that much over Mays. I did once
buy a tub of oxy-clean and was impressed that someone on TV had a beard.
That is all.


PPS: There is a wee bit of irony in that stimulants make people want
to clean compulsively, and Mr. M. sold cleaners. I'm sure he'd have
sold mud to drillers & spas just as well.